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-====== Omnidex Indexing ====== 
-**[[admin:​indexing:​home|Overview]]** -> [[admin:​indexing:​indexes|Indexes]] -> [[admin:​indexing:​basic|Strategies]] -> [[admin:​indexing:​advanced|Advanced]] -> [[admin:​indexing:​installation|Installation]] -> [[admin:​indexing:​maintenance|Maintenance]] 
-===== Overview ===== 
-Omnidex adds performance and flexibility to database applications. ​ These benefits are achieved by a combination of the Omnidex indexes and the [[admin:​sqlengine:​home|Omnidex SQL Engine]]. ​ The indexes provide the basic speed and flexibility,​ while the SQL Engine analyzes statements and determines the best way to use the indexes. ​ Omnidex is different than most SQL engines in that many indexes are used to fulfill a query. ​ It is common for all criteria, table joins, aggregations and ordering to be satisfied in a coordinated effort between many indexes. ​ Complex queries may even be satisfied without ever accessing the underlying data. 
-Three basic types of indexes allow SQL statements to be optimized. ​ They also provide features such as textual searches, fuzzy searches and geographical searches. ​ Standard Omnidex indexes provide the bulk of Omnidex functionality,​ optimizing criteria, table joins, aggregations and ordering. ​ QuickText indexes provide basic textual searches on columns like name and address fields, product descriptions and general text.  FullText indexes provide sophisticated text indexing designed for large blocks of textual data.  ​ 
-Omnidex also has advanced options that optimize complex or unusual situations. ​ One example is Index Groups, in which multiple columns are indexed as though they were one column. ​ Another example is geographic indexes which index latitude and longitude coordinates in preparation for geographic radius searches. 
-Omnidex Indexes are installed by simply designating indexes on the columns involved in a query. ​ There are times when indexing options are valuable, and there are also times when multi-column indexes are created. ​ Once the indexes are designated, all indexes can be built concurrently,​ greatly reducing the time required to build the indexes.  ​ 
-To learn more about Omnidex indexing, read the following sections: 
-  - [[admin:​indexing:​indexes|Omnidex indexes]] 
-  - [[admin:​indexing:​basic|Basic indexing strategies]] 
-  - [[admin:​indexing:​advanced|Advanced indexing strategies]] 
-  - [[admin:​indexing:​installation|Index installation]] 
-  - [[admin:​indexing:​maintenance|Index maintenance]] 
-====== ====== 
-\\  ​ 
-The next section on Omnidex Indexing is [[admin:​indexing:​indexes|Omnidex Indexes]]. 
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admin/indexing/home.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:26 (external edit)