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-^    [[:​start|Quick Links ]]  ^^^^^ 
-^   ​[[overview:​nopage | Overview]] ​    ​^ ​  ​[[nopage|Topics]] ​  ​^ ​      ​[[nopage | Administrators]] ​     ^   ​[[nopage | Development]] ​      ​^ ​  ​[[nopage | General]] ​ ^ 
-| [[overview:​omnidex | What is Omnidex?]] | [[odxadmin:​nopage | Fast Counts]] | [[odxadmin:​nopage | Omnidex Administrator]]| [[sql:​overview | Omnidex SQL Reference]] | [[nopage | Software Installation]] |    ​ 
-| [[nopage | Omnidex Architecture]] | [[admin:​nopage | Fast Aggregations]] | [[programs:​odxsql:​overview | OdxSQL]] | [[nopage | ODBC]] | [[osinstall:​intro|Platform Support]] | 
-| [[nopage | Omnidex on Customer Lists]]| [[nopage | Textual Searches]] | [[nopage | Optimizing Query Performance]] |[[development:​interfaces:​jdbc:​intro|JDBC]] | [[osinstall:​licensing:​intro|Release Notes]] | 
-| [[nopage | Omnidex on Business Analytics]] ​    | [[admin:​nopage | Fuzzy Searches]] ​  ​|[[nopage | RDBMS Topics]] | [[nopage | Stored Procedures]] | [[glossary:​intro|Glossary]] | 
-| [[nopage | Omnidex on Transaction Logs]] | [[admin:​nopage | Portable Snapshots]] | [[programs:​legacy|Legacy Tools/​APIs]] | [[dev:​nopage | Debugging]] | [[appendix:​docmap | Documentation Map]]| 
-| [[nopage | Omnidex on Flat File Databases]] | [[admin:​grid:​overview | Scalable Grids]] | [[admin:​nopage | Administrator FAQ]] | [[dev:​nopage |Developer FAQ]] | [[appendix:​nopage | Installation FAQ]]| 
-[[:​quicklinks|(c)]],,​Copyright Dynamic Information Systems - This document was last updated November 11, 2009.,, 
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quicklinks.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:19 (external edit)