Omnidex Overview

Omnidex is a supplemental indexing system that can be used to enhance data retrieval from flat files and relational databases such as SQL Server. Oracle, and MySQL as well as any ODBC compliant database via the generic ODBC Database interface.

Omnidex provides retrieval capabilities beyond traditional retrieval.

Omnidex is a lightweight but powerful indexing system.

How Omnidex works

Omnidex works by specifying indexes on database columns or fields in files using the OdxAdmin Windows based program and storing the specification in an XML Catalog. The indexes can then be synchronized with the underlying data using the OdxAdmin program.

Applications can then utilize the Omnidex indexes for very fast and flexible retrieval using either an ODBC, JDBC, or a stored procedural interface.

Omnidex Modules

OdxAdmin Windows base tool for specifying and maintaining Omnidex indexes.
OdxSQL Console based Omnidex SQL testing and scripting tool.
OdxNet Allows Omnidex access across a network to facilitate a multi-tiered server environment, partioning across servers, and control of Omnidex environments from the Windows OdxAdmin tool.
ODBC Driver A standards compliance ODBC driver.
JDBC Driver A standards compliance JDBC driver.
Stored Procedural Interface A collection of routines to inteface Omnidex to stored procedures.
DBINSTAL Console base utility for specifying and maintaining Omnidex indexes. Typically OdxAdmin is used instead but DBINSTAL can be used for scripting as well as supporting Omnidex Environment Catalog environments.
Active Counts Provides counts of attributes within previous selections.
PowerSearch Provides additional retrieval options such as synonym lists, phone number transpositions, phonetics on last name to the Omnidex selection routines.
OmniSearch.NET ASP.NET xml driven web pages using Active Counts and PowerSearch Web controls.

Nine Steps to a Successful Omnidex Installation

Steps Operation
1) OS Installation & Setup View the Windows, Linux or Unix specific installation/setup information
2) Settings and Verification View RegTest, Environment Settings
3) Index Design View Design
4) Create Environment View OaComp, OaDecomp, OaHelper
5) Index Installation View OdxAdmin or DBINSTAL and VIEWGEN and SNOWGEN if setting up Star Schema Data Warehouses
6) Index Maintenance View OdxAdmin or DBINSTAL
7) Test the Installation View OdxSQL, DsEdit, OdxQuery
8) Application Development View ODBC, JDBC, Stored Procedures
9) Debugging View Debugging and Explain Plans

For Existing Customers

This section outlines the differences between version 5.x and previous Omnidex versions.

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