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Click here for Omnidex Version 5.0 Table of Contents currently under development.Version 5.0

Click here for Omnidex Version 5.1 Table of Contents currently under developmentVersion 5.1.

Click here for Omnidex Version 4.X documentation in HTML formatVersion 4.x

DISC's Omnidex Home Page

Omnidex is the flagship product of Dynamic Information Systems Corporation, also known as DISC. Please contact us using the information below:
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Sales (Main Office) 1-303-444-4000
Sales (Europe) +44 345 468 4600
Technical Support 1-303-444-6610
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Dynamic Information Systems Corp.
2585 Central Ave, Suite 100
Boulder, Colorad 80301
United States

We look forward to hearing from you!

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home.1259448339.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:19 (external edit)