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Welcome to the Omnidex Online Documentation System

Click here for important information on the Omnidex Documentation System: Important Information

Click here for Omnidex Version 5.0 documentation currently under development: Version 5.0

Click here for Omnidex Version 5.1 documentation currently under development: Version 5.1

Click here for Omnidex Version 4.X documentation in HTML format: Version 4.x

DISC's Omnidex Home Page

Omnidex is the flagship product of Dynamic Information Systems Corporation, also known as DISC. Please contact us using the information below:
To reach someone about ... Email Phone
Sales (Main Office) 1-303-444-4000
Sales (Europe) +44 345 468 4600
Technical Support 1-303-444-6610
Press 1-303-444-4000
Careers 1-303-444-4000

You may also contact us by mail at the following address:

Dynamic Information Systems Corp.
2585 Central Ave, Suite 100
Boulder, Colorad 80301
United States

We look forward to hearing from you!

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home.1259522362.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:19 (external edit)