
    1. Rollup Tables - A discussion of Rollup Tables and their use in Omnidex applications
    2. Using Omnidex on Oracle Databases - A discussion of the Oracle-specific considerations when building an Omnidex application.
    3. Using Omnidex on SQL Server Databases - A discussion of the SQL Server-specific considerations when building an Omnidex application.
    4. Using Omnidex on MySQL Databases - A discussion of the MySQL-specific considerations when building an Omnidex application.
    5. Using Omnidex on Generic ODBC Databases - A discussion of the ODBC-specific considerations when building an Omnidex application.
    6. Using Omnidex on Raw Data Files - A discussion of using Omnidex on fixed-length raw data files.
    7. Using Omnidex on Delimited Data Files - A discussion of using Omnidex on delimited data files.
    1. Omnidex Datatypes - Omnidex datatypes and their correlations to relational database datatypes
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