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Omnidex SQL: Functions

Standard ANSI SQL Functions

The Omnidex SQL Language supports several standard SQL Functions based on the ANSI SQL standard as well as functions typically found in the major relational databases.

SQL Functions Description
ABS Returns the absolute value of a numeric expression.
CASE Allows simple IF..THEN..ELSE logic in a select-item.
CAST Convert an expression to a specific data type.
CHAR[ACTER]_LENGTH Return the number of characters in a string.
|| (Concatenation) Concatenate multiple columns or strings into a single character string.
CURRENT_DATE Return the current data from the system clock.
CURRENT_TIME Return the current time from the system clock.
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Return the current timestamp from the system clock.
CURRENT_USER Return the current Omnidex user.
EXTRACT Extract an individual field value from a date_class data type field.
LOWER Convert all characters in a text string to lower case.
POSITION Return the position of a string within another string.
SUBSTRING Return a specific part of a string.
SESSION_USER Return the current Omnidex user.
SYSTEM_USER Return the current system user.
TRIM Remove leading and/or trailing “pad” characters from a string.
UPPER Convert all characters in a text string to upper case.
USER Return the current Omnidex user.

Omnidex Extended Functions

The Omnidex SQL Language supports several functions that are extensions to the standard SQL Functions. Extended functions are prefixed with a ( $ ) so that they are easy to locate in existing SQL code.

Omnidex Functions Description
$CALC_DATE Calculates a new date value based on an offset of days or other time vlaues
$COL[UMN]_LENGTH Return the length of a column as defined in the environment catalog. Same as $COL_LEN.
$CONTAINS Provides additional keyword searching options over the standard Omnidex keyword search.
$CONTEXT Return snippets of text from data qualified in a $CONTAINS function.
$CONVERT Convert a scalar expression from one data type to another.
$COMPARE_DATES Calculates the difference between two dates in days unless a date unit is specified.
$CURRENT_ROW Return the current row number.
$DISTANCE Calculates the distance between two geographical points.
$EXTERNAL Execute an external user-defined function.
$HIGHLIGHT_CRITERIA Retrieve a select item that was used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement and highlights all keywords involved in the criteria
$HIGHLIGHT_KEYWORDS Retrieve a select item and highlight specific keywords.
$IFNULL Specify a return value for columns containing null values.
$LJ Left justify a string by eliminating leading white space.
$LOOKUP Retrieve textual metadata.
$LPAD Add leading “PAD” characters to a string.
$MOD Return “n modulus y” (remainder).
$PROPER Shift the first letter of each word in a string to upper case and all other letters to lower case.
$RANDOM Return a pseudo-random number.
$RJ Right justify a string by eliminating trailing white space and inserting leading spaces as needed.
$ROUND Round a numerical value to the specified number of decimal places.
$RPAD Add trailing “PAD” characters to a string.
$SCORE Returns the rank/relevancy score of qualified text from a $CONTAINS function.
$SOUNDEX Return the Soundex equivalent to a character string.
$TRUNC Return a numeric expression truncated to a specified number of digits to the right of the decimal point.


Oracle Functions

The following functions can be used within an Omnidex SQL statement after the SET SQL_SYNTAX ORACLE statement has been issued or declared in the CREATE ENVIRONMENT statement.

Oracle Functions Description
CHR Returns the Ascii character for the specified integer value
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dev/sql/functions/home.1276296694.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:53 (external edit)