This is an old revision of the document!

Omnidex Version 5.1

This documentation describes how to use the Omnidex 5.1 series of releases. The Omnidex 5.1 documentation contains only partial information about the Omnidex 5.1 release as DISC is focusing its resources on documenting the upcoming 5.2 release due in 2011.

However, this current guide contains most of the SQL Statements and functions supported as well as information on the various Omnidex programs. Please contact DISC Technical Support at if you have any questions or problems in using this documentation.

WARNING: Some of the information is this document may refer to 5.2 features. These are currently being removed from the documentation. Also any links in RED are not currently active but these are being currently added. Please contact DISC support if you need information on any functions or statements that are not currently documented.

Click here to see updates on this document's history. Here you will find a list of page changes and new pages added to the documentation ordered by date.

Upgrading from previous Omnidex versions

If you are upgrading from an existing production application, please carefully review these upgrading notes.

How to use this documentation

You may browse through the documentation using the Table of Contents or using the drop down menus for each tab (Table of Contents, Omnidex SQL, Downloads and QuickLinks).

You may search the documentation using the search field at the top right of every page.

At any time, click on the gray “Omnidex 5.1” text at the top of any page to return to this page.

You can click each top menu item:

  • Table of Contents
  • Omnidex SQL
  • QuickLinks
  • Tutorials

And you can click on each submenu item as well:

  • Omnidex SQL
    • Statements
    • Functions
    • Examples

The most common topics

How to get more help

To get more help with Omnidex, contact us using the information below:

To reach someone about ... Email Phone
Sales (Main Office) 1-303-444-4000
Sales (Europe) +44 345 468 4600
Technical Support 1-303-444-6610
Press 1-303-444-4000
Careers 1-303-444-4000

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home.1313528811.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:38 (external edit)